看了来信,又惊又喜。你的英语之好,出人意外。这不是兜圈子的奉承话,而是真诚的意见(我手按在胸前发誓!)。你以前翻译主席文章的段落,我看了以后有些想法。现在看来,那些想法至少是很不公正的。你长期以来缺乏实践,一时失去原有的灵巧手法,也许逐渐得到恢复。不管怎么样,让你的英语生锈,最终变得无法利用,那是件憾事——不,是罪过,是犯罪广州日语口译。 Your letter gives me a joyful surprise[2]. Your English is astonishingly good. This is not "flannel" or "butter"[3] but my sincere opinion (my hand upon my heart!). The idea found from your version of Chairman's statement is, to say the least, quite unjust[4]. Perhaps your hand is recovering some of its old cunning momentarily lost through long lack of practice[5]. At any rate, it would be a pity-nay, a sin, a crime[6]-to let your[7] English get rusty and become finally unserviceable.
Andros, who lost custody of his daughters and was suspended from his job as a result, was exonerated a month before he was to go on trial after two forensic pathologists reviewing Gross' work determined that Ellen Andros died of a rare cardiac condition, not suffocation.
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