些东西会让人大为光火,比如银行职员保罗•格莱恩(Paul Glen)的沙丁鱼三明治。
格莱恩如今在总部位于洛杉矶的管理和教育咨询公司Leading Geeks任首席执行长,原先则是在一家银行从事咨询工作。自从开始高蛋白饮食后,格莱恩总是带沙丁鱼或是金枪鱼三明治到银行办公室,在办公桌前吃。他说,他知道这些东西味道很大,不过他觉得如果有人有意见,应该会直接告诉自己的翻译公司。
就业网站CareerBuilder.com去年对4,498位公司职员进行了一项调查,其结果显示,全美国有超过半数的全职员工每周至少有一顿饭是在办公桌前吃的。这些职场人士的争分夺秒以及对效率的苛刻追求对办公室来说可能就是场灾难。那些举止得体、衣服纽扣会一丝不苟全部系上的管理者们居然会把食物吃得啧啧山响、舔着嘴唇、或是把脏兮兮的塑料餐具扔得到处都是,看起来真是有些不可思议北京翻译公司。 To be filed under 'What Was He Thinking?' is Paul Glen's sardine sandwich.
After going on a high-protein diet, Mr. Glen brought sardine and tuna sandwiches to his bank-consulting job and ate them at his desk. He knew the food was stinky, but he figured people would tell him if they had a problem, he says.
Instead, a co-worker in the next cubicle complained to her boss, who complained to the chief information officer, who complained to Mr. Glen's boss, who delivered the complaint to Mr. Glen.
Mr. Glen says he apologized immediately to his colleague in the next cubicle. From then on, he brought salads or ate lunch outside, says Mr. Glen, now chief executive of Leading Geeks, a Los Angeles management- and education-consulting company.
More than half of full-time employees in the U.S. eat at their desks at least once a week, according to a survey last year of 4,498 employees by jobs website CareerBuilder.com. And in their quest to be super-productive, never-missing-a-beat workers at their desks, office havoc can erupt. Seemingly otherwise normal, perfectly mannered, even buttoned-up executives can slurp, lick their lips or leave grubby plasticware around the office.
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