关注弹性就业的Mom Corps招聘公司的首席执行长奥凯利(Allison O'Kelly)说,至少某种私人关系是能够在引起招聘方注意的问题上起到关键作用的。这类面试还可以让你清楚地了解到这家公司的某个职位需要掌握哪些技能,以及这个职位是否适合你。
'At least some kind of personal relationship is critical to getting noticed,' points out Allison O'Kelly, CEO of Mom Corps, a flex-time recruiting firm. This kind of interview can also give you a realistic idea of what a job at the company might entail and whether it's a good fit.
Position yourself as someone worth taking the time to meet. Ms. O'Kelly suggests trying to benefit your contact in some way before you even ask for help. You might email your contact a relevant article, let them know about an upcoming industry event or introduce them to a person at their level or higher. 'It lets them know you are respectful of their time, a good resource for ideas and contacts, and serious about connecting for a mutual benefit,' she says.
柯平斯基(Marlisa Kopenski)是总部位于密尔沃基的建筑及设计公司Kahler Slater的品牌总监,她说在她离开商学院后的九年时间中,她提供了大约40次信息性面试机会,其中许多面试申请都是通过校友通讯录递交给她的。她说,要想和人接触联系,你得利用你在私人生活和工作中的人脉上海翻译公司。
Marlisa Kopenski, brand director for Kahler Slater, a Milwaukee-based architecture and design firm, says she has given around 40 informational interviews in the nine years since she left business school with many of the requests coming via the alumni directory. 'Use your personal and professional networks to make contact with people,' she says.