Indonesia boasts the largest population of Muslims in the world. After Suharto fell from power, the Islamic forces returned to the political arena and the Islamic orientation in Indonesia has been becoming more and more obvious. The Islamic forces in Indonesia can be divided into the mainstream faction and extremist faction. The moderate faction is represented by the following two major communions: Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) led by Wahid; Muham-Madiyah led by Muhammad Amien Rais. The mainstream faction is characterized by moderation and inclusiveness. Deeply influenced by the Arabic culture and Western culture, they have the modern Islamic value concept and oppose to transform Indonesia into an Islamic country; the extremist faction, on the other hand, advocates to practice Sunna in Indonesia and transform it into an Islamic country. They use extreme behaviors to defy the U.S and western countries in terms of foreign affairs and act against the former government led by Wahid. Over the years, they have been engaging in terrorist events without intermission
1.安汶和马鲁古宗教冲突事件:该地区伊斯兰教徒与基督教徒受地方势力和宗教极端组织的挑拨,发生流血冲突已有3年多,印尼内政部长宣布冲突以来双方死亡2364人,流离失所的难民10万人I2 J。总部设在日惹的圣战民兵组织号召伊斯兰教徒对马鲁古进行“圣战”,派遣人员和输送武器到上述地区,多次破坏政府调和双方的和平协议,迄今该地区的宗教冲突尚未平息翻译公司。
The religious conflict between Ambon and Maluku: Over 3 years have passed since the sanguinary conflict between the Muslims and Christians which was provoked by local forces and extreme religious groups. The Minister of the Interior of Indonesia declared that, since the conflict, 2364 people from both parties had died and there were about 100,000 refugees who became destitute and homeless. The Laskar Mujahidin, which is headquartered in Jogjakarta, calls on Muslims to engage in “holy war” against religious believers in Maluku. They send people and weapons to the above-mentioned regions, destroying the peace agreement between both parties as a result of government reconciliation time and again. Up to now, the religious conflict in that region has not yet been subsided. |
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