中国金融市场的繁荣与金融信息技术的发展催生了“网络金融营销”这一崭新职业, 然而我国的高等教育中尚没有专门的“网络金融营销”课程体系, 在职业教育中也缺乏一套科学的“网络金融营销”职业资格标准。本文就是试图为解决这一问题而撰写的, 在剖析了“网络金融营销”的科学内涵、职业范畴、社会需求并明确了“网络金融营销”职业资格标准的制定原则的基础上, 提出了“网络金融营销”职业资格标准的基本框架深圳翻译公司。
The prosperity of the Chinese financial market and the development of financial information technology have given rise to a new occupation, “online financial marketing”. However, in our higher education, no special course system for “online financial marketing” has been set up, and our vocational education also lacks a set of scientific vocational qualification standard for “online financial marketing”. This paper attempts to solve this problem. On the basis of analyzing the scientific connotation, vocational category and social demand of “online financial marketing” and defining the principles for formulating the vocational qualification standard for “online financial marketing”, this paper puts forward the basic framework of the vocational qualification standard for “online financial marketing”
正是由于网络金融营销职业岗位需要的是兼具现代金融业务能力和网络营销技能的复合型人才, 所以培养起来比较困难, 周期也比较长, 但是现实是全国各大高等院校的金融学专业与市场营销专业和电子商务专业, 几乎没有专门开设《网络金融营销》这门课程的, 而当前的形势是网络金融营销行业已经兴起并呈燎原之势, 现在没有哪一家金融机构不开展网络金融服务的, 网络金融营销人才的缺乏已经成了现代金融服务业发展的瓶颈, 大型金融机构苦于招不到合适的网络金融服务人才的媒体新闻报道近来是频频出现, 因此, 短期的职业技能培训就成了必然的解决方案专业翻译。
The occupation of online financial marketing demands compound talents with both modern financial business ability and online marketing skills, and it is difficult to cultivate such talents and the cultivation cycle is relatively long. However, the reality is that almost no finance specialty, marketing specialty or e-commerce specialty in each institution of higher education across China has set up the course of “online financial marketing”; whereas the present situation is that the online financial marketing industry has emerged and displayed the tendency for rapid development. Currently every financial institution develops online financial services. The lack of online financial marketing talents has become the bottleneck for the development of the modern financial service industry. There have been frequent reports in the media about the fact that large-scale financial institutions fail to recruit suitable online financial service talents. Therefore short-term vocational skill training becomes an inevitable solution.