我司投标技术文件中包括火灾自动报警系统技术方案(系统总体说明), 对提供给甲方的系统方案、设备性能技术指标作了详尽的说明英语口译。
Our technical document for biding contains the technical proposal for the automatic fire alarm system (General instruction of the system), which give an detail description for the equipment to be supplied to Party A in aspects of system schema, device performance and technical criteria.
我司在此次投标中均依据本技术规范书和国家现行标准和规范, 未使用替代标准, 所依据标准详见《火灾自动报警系统技术方案》
During this bidding action, our company never utilizes the alternated standard but the national current standard and specification as well as this technical specification.
我司承诺在中标后承担深化设计的工作, 深化设计的原则严格遵循招标文件中的要求进行 日语口译。
Our company promises to undertake the works to further promote the design, and strictly followed the requirements of bidding document. |
3、相关翻译报价请单击顶部的翻译价格体系查看。 |