用电量的下降动摇了日本对核电数十年孜孜以求的信念。除今年外,在日本总供电量中,核电曾经占到近30%。如果日本可在今年夏季余下数周内成功应对电力供应减少的局面,那么福岛第一核电站(Fukushima Daiichi)事故或许会改变日本的能源政策。这将对全球产生多重影响,因为自苏联切尔诺贝利(Chernobyl)核事故引发最严重的核泄漏以来,全球很多国家都在重新考虑核电计划。
The drop in electrical consumption is shaking Japan's decades-old commitment to nuclear power, which until this year supplied nearly 30% of its electricity. If the country successfully navigates the remaining weeks of the summer with a reduced power supply, the Fukushima Daiichi accident is likely to transform Japan's energy policy. That will have global implications as nations review nuclear power in light of the worst radiation release since Chernobyl.
有人对核电的看法甚至更极端。日本网上购物公司乐天株式会社(Rakuten Inc.)社长、46岁的亿万富翁三木谷浩史(Hiroshi Mikitani)说,我认为最好是取缔核能源。他是日本正在崛起的一代企业高管中最知名的商务领袖之一。三木谷浩史提醒说,他并不赞成立即关闭所有核电站。但他说,这个夏天已经让日本人曾对核电站抱有的信任破灭了深圳英语翻译。
Others go even further. 'I think it's better without nuclear energy' in principle, said Hiroshi Mikitani, the 46-year-old billionaire head of Internet shopping company Rakuten Inc., and one of the most prominent leaders of a rising generation of Japanese business executives. Mr. Mikitani cautioned that he doesn't favor shutting down all nuclear plants at once. But he said the summer has shattered the trust that Japanese once held in the nuclear establishment.
Bloomberg News东京的行人站立在黑暗中等待通过十字路口--这是节电行动的一部分。据日本总务省消防厅(Fire and Disaster Management Agency)介绍,入夏以来,截至7月24日,紧急救援人员将22,418位中暑患者送到医疗机构。其中近一半是老人,共有43人死亡。和去年相比,今年中暑的人数增加了50%,但因中暑死亡的人数下降了三分之一俄语翻译。
Emergency responders have brought 22,418 people with heat stroke to medical facilities this summer through July 24, according to Japan's Fire and Disaster Management Agency. Nearly half were elderly, and 43 people died. The number of people with heat stroke is running more than 50% ahead of last year, but the number of deaths is one-third lower.