In the past decade, anti-Americanism grew around the world. This was in response to concerns about the unchecked global power of the U.S., when it invaded Iraq in the face of very wide international opposition. In sharp contrast, today America is seen as on its way to losing its status as the dominant global superpower.
皮尤全球态度调查(Pew Global Attitudes)周四发布的一项新调查发现,尽管与布什时期相比,世界各国对美国的看法有所改观,但在接受调查的22个国家中,15个国家的大多数受调查者都说中国将会取代或已经取代美国成为世界“领先超级大国”。这种看法在西欧尤为普遍,英国、法国、德国和西班牙至少有60%的受调查者认为中国最终会取代美国法语翻译。
A new Pew Global Attitudes survey released today finds that while the U.S. is better regarded around the world now than it was in the Bush years, in 15 of 22 nations surveyed most say that China either will replace or already has replaced America as the world's 'leading superpower.' This view is especially widespread in Western Europe, where at least six in 10 respondents in Britain, France, Germany and Spain see China eventually overtaking the U.S.
The emerging perception of China's superpower status no doubt reflects global recognition of its growing economic might, and the fact that the U.S. is increasingly seen as trailing China economically. Nowhere is this more evident than in Western Europe, where the percentage naming China as the world's 'leading economic power' has increased markedly over the past two years, along with the view that it will ultimately eclipse the U.S. as global superpower.