四十年的风雨历程, 清华机械厂从“刘伯承”工厂的一个车间, 发展成为固定资产总值12亿元, 年销售收入10亿元以上的中国航天科技集团公司大型骨干企业, 列全国机械工业企业500强和全国1948家大型工业企业之一。先后出色地完成了第一代和第二代武器装备和以载人航天为代表的航天尖端技术产品研制与批生产任务。形成了各种专用车、城市垃圾处理设备、立体停车设备、电站辅机设备、焦化成套设备、建筑轻钢结构、液压件、新型建材等4大类8大系列主导民品, 并在北京经济技术开发区和长治康庄工业园建立了民品研发与生产基地。清华的演变与进步, 见证了清华人自信自强、无私无畏、敢想敢为、尽善尽美的企业精神影音翻译。
With forty years of hard development, Qinghua Machinery Factory has developed from a workshop of “Liu Bocheng” Factory to be a large backbone enterprise of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation with 1.2 billion Yuan of fixed assets and 1billion Yuan of annual sales, being one of the whole nation’s 500 best machinery enterprises and one of the whole nation’s 1948 best large enterprises. It has accomplished successfully the development and manufacturing of the 1st and 2nd generations of weapons and the astronautic high-tech products. It forms 4 large categories and 8 large series leading civil products such as special vehicles, city wastes disposing facilities, solid parking facilities, power-plant subsidiary facilities, whole set coker facilities, architectural light steel structure, hydraulic pressure, new pattern building materials, etc. And it has also built bases of civil products R&D and manufacturing in Beijing Economic-technological Development Area and Chang Zhi Kangzhuang Industry Park. The evolution and progress of Qing Hua Factory witnesses the Qing Hua staff’s spirits of self-confidence and self-striving, selflessness and intrepidity, boldness of thinking and doing, and perfection.
以航天尖端技术为依托, 秉承军工质量的优良传统, 清华机械厂将不断拓展企业规模化发展的领域或空间, 以一流的管理和优良的装备为国防工业保驾护航, 以一流的产品和服务搏击国内外市场, 在人类航天文明的征程中铸造民族科技丰碑深圳翻译公司。
Relied on the space high technology, taking the fine traditions of military industry’s quality, Qinghua Machinery Factory will continue to expand the area or space of enterprise’s scale-up development, continue to escort and envoy the national defense industry with top-ranking management and choice equipments and facilities, continue to fight in the overseas market with top-ranking products, and thus found China’s national science and technology monument in the progress of human astronautic civilization.