以食指、中指、无名指的指腹为触点, 在被保健人身体的一定部位进行慢慢滑动, 以疏通一条经络为主, 电量适度、反复多次施治, 手法重为泄, 手法轻为补影音翻译。
Using the finger pulps of forefinger, middle finger and ring finger as contacter, slide slowly on certain parts of the health care receiver’s body. Give priority to dredge a meridian, by moderate quantity of electricity and repeating many times. Use heavy chirismus as purging, while use light chirismus as invigorating.
以食指、中指指腹为触点按压在有关穴位或敏感点上, 电量一般应加大, 使之由表及里通达深部组织, 直至内脏器官, 施治时应掌握好轻重缓急, 特别是头面部必须由轻到重, 由表及里, 以免加大疼痛广州翻译公司。
Use the finger pulps of forefinger and middle finger as contacter, to press certain acupuncture point or sensitive point. Adding the quantity of electricity, make it reach to the deep parts of tissues from the outside to the inside, finally to the internal organs. Control the chirismus in order of importance and urgency, especially the head and facial parts, which must be applied from gently to powerful, from the outside to the inside, in order to avoid adding pain.
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