甘肃省安西(现瓜州)县西域石材开发有限责任公司玉石山石英岩项目(以下称“项目”或“本项目”或“本矿”)位于甘肃省安西(现瓜州)县境内, 距历史文化名城敦煌仅200公里, 西与新疆哈密市接壤。矿区面积为8.2981平方公里上海日语翻译。
The Jade MT Quartzite Project (hereinafter referred to as “project ”or “ the mine”) of Xiyu Stone Material Development Co., Ltd is located in Anxi County(today’s Guazhou)in Gansu Province. Bordered on the west with Hami City of Xinjiang province, it’s only 200 kilometers far from Dunhuang city, a well-known site for its history and culture. The mining area covers about 8.2981 square kilometers.
矿区紧靠第二欧亚通道中国境内的贯穿中国东西部的公路交通干道——312国道, 东达江苏省连云港, 西经新疆省会乌鲁木齐至伊宁与哈萨克斯坦接壤, 距贯穿东向的铁路大动脉“兰(州)新(疆)”线柳园站约60公里, 运输方便。见附件1《矿区地理位置》影音翻译
The transportation to the mining area is very convenient. The mining area is adjacent to No. 312 National Highway, a part of New Europe-Asia Continent Bridge, which connects the traffic trunk road from east to west of China. Reaching to Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province to the east, it goes through the capital city Urumchi to border Kazakhstan with Yining to the west and it’s about 60 kilometers far to Luyuan station of eastward main railway “Lan(Lanzhou)to Xin(Xinjiang) line”. This can be found in the Exhibit 2 Geographical Location of Mining Area.
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