一般, 奥运会的物流关心的是物资的及时到位和废弃物的及时处理, 虽然这也会给交通带来很多问题; 但是人的流动对交通造成的拥堵要严重得多。这篇文章的灵感来源于作者假设把奥运场馆看成是物流配送中心, 把公交车当成运送货物的卡车, 把去观看比赛的人群当成是被运送的货物。那么读者自然会联想到既然是物流中心, 肯定和物流理论中的配送及运输有密切的关系。当然这只是一个假设, 至于这个假设是否成立。下文中作者会以水力方为例研究它周围的原公交车路线及车站与现在赛事前的公交车路线及车站作比较; 调研奥运会筹备期增加的交通路线, 应该如何安排配送路线, 将赛事期间的人员以快速直达的方式送到配送中心辐射的半径内, 这是论文的第一部分主题。第二部分, 作者会根据物流理论中的运输时间优化问题, 针对一条奥运会公交线路的运输路线和时间表来评判是否符合物流交通的运输时间优化的原则。如果以上两部分主题的论述成立, 那么就说明用物流的基本理论解决奥运期间如何快速直达的将客流周转和疏散的公共交通的问题是可行的广州日语翻译。
Logistics system in Olympic Games always focuses on material supply in place and treatment of wastes in time, as it was, the traffic jam imposed by crowd flow is far more serious. In this paper, the author assumes an Olympic venue to be a logistics distribution center, buses to be trucks used to distribute cargoes and crowds coming for the Olympic Games to be distributed cargoes. The distribution center will naturally remind readers of the close relationship between distribution and transportation in logistics theory. To justify whether the assumption is tenable, the author takes Water Cube as an example to illuminate the topics of Chapter 1, i.e. making a comparison between the former and current surrounding bus routes and stations, investigating the traffic routes newly built in the preparatory period of Olympic Games and the optimized distribution route to send the crowds into the radiant radius of distribution center rapidly. In Chapter 2, a transportation route and timetable of bus route for the Olympic Games will be analyzed to judge if it accords with the optimization principles of transportation time in logistics theory. Provided that statements in the two chapters are tenable, it is feasible to use fundamental logistics theory to solve the public transport problems of passenger turnover and dispersal in a rapid and through manner during the Olympic Games.
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