作为一名项目负责人, 带领一个5~7人不等的团队独立完成各种类型的文物保护规划工作。并在某些大型项目中负责某一部分的工作, 比如中国五台山为申请世界文化遗产所做的十一处寺庙的保护规划。除日常的工作外, 在所内半年举行一次的学术交流会上曾作过数次关于项目交流和国外考察心得的报告广州翻译公司。
As a project leader, I have independently completed various planning work for cultural relics preservation by leading a team of 5-7 people. I have been also responsible for part of work on some large-scale projects, such as planning for the preservation of 11 temples regarding Wutai Mountain’s application for world cultural heritage. Besides routine duties, I have made several reports on project communication and overseas investigations on the symposiums held semiannually in our institute.
这两所校园文物保护规划的编制工作有许多共性, 需要解决和面对的问题都比较类似。但因为两所学校的历史沿革、治校精神和人文气质存在的明显差异导致校方解决问题的手段和方式都不尽相同。因为篇幅所限, 我只能将这两个项目过程中比较突出的问题及解决之道与大家分享上海英语翻译。
There were many similarities for the cultural relics preservation planning of the two university campuses, and the problems encountered and handled by us were comparatively similar. However, the methods and ways for problem solving were different for the two universities due to their distinct difference on historical development, spirit of university governance and humanistic environment. Due to word count limitation, I just describe the special problems and ways of solution for the two projects here.
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